Associated Medical Professionals (A.M.P.) announced today the availability of Bulkamid— a minimally-invasive and long-lasting treatment option for bladder leaks caused by stress urinary incontinence (SUI)1.
Bladder leakage is common in women, with 1 in 3 suffering from SUI at some point in their lives.2 SUI tends to develop as women get older, often during or after pregnancy. The leaks are caused by weaknesssso in the pelvic floor, preventing the urethra from closing fully when sudden pressure is put on the bladder. This can allow urine to leak out during normal daily activities such as coughing, laughing, exercising or lifting an object. Women who experience bladder leaks because of SUI can have severely decreased quality of life.
Bulkamid is a soft, water-based gel delivered via a series of small injections into the urethral wall. Once it is injected, the volume of the gel adds bulk to the urethra, supporting the closing mechanism of the urethra and providing better control of urine. Similar to some facial fillers, it remains in the body over time without causing reactions in the surrounding tissue, resulting in durable, long-lasting relief.
Benefits of Bulkamid:
- Safe and effective: In a clinical study, 92% of women reported being cured or improved3
- Simple procedure: A series of 3 – 4 small injections that takes just 10 – 15 minutes3
- Long-lasting symptom relief: Bulkamid is clinically proven to deliver symptom relief out to seven years4
- A more appealing treatment option: A majority of women with SUI chose Bulkamid before other surgical treatment options in a 2020 clinical study5
A.M.P. physician, Jeffrey Sekula, M.D. is proudly recognized as a Bulkamid Center of Excellence
“We are pleased to offer Bulkamid to our female patients suffering from stress urinary incontinence. This innovative therapy has the potential to improve the quality of life of so many of our patients with just a quick and minimally invasive procedure,” OR “This therapy represents a new approach that may help women who were not helped by previous treatment options such as transvaginal mesh or urethral slings.” said Dr. Sekula.
- Bulkamid Patient Information Leaflet
- Magon, N et al. Stress urinary incontinence: What, when, why, and then what? J Midlife Health. 2011 Jul-Dec; 2(2): 57–64.
- Itkonen-Freitas AM et al. Tension Free Vaginal Tape Vs Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Injection For Primary Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Urol. Vol 203, 372 – 378, 2020.
- Brosche et al. Seven-Year Efficacy and Safety Outcomes of Bulkamid for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence. Neurourol Urodyn. Vol 40(1):502-508, 2021.
- Dwyer L et al. “Voice Your Choice”: A Study of Women’s Choice of Surgery For Primary Stress Urinary Incontinence. International Urogynecology Journal. 31:769–777, 2020