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A.M.P. Medical Imaging Center

Lower out-of-pocket costs compared to hospital and hospital-affiliated imaging facilities

Imaging locations


1226 East Water Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone:(315) 478-4185


New Hartford
2 Ellinwood Drive
New Hartford, NY 13413
Phone: (315) 724-1012

Our studies are interpreted by board-certified radiologists.

Some of our studies include CT Urograms, X-ray Cystograms and Renal Ultrasounds. We are ACR accredited at both imaging locations by the American College of Radiology, which indicates that our Imaging Centers produce high quality studies and adhere to strict national guidelines regarding radiation use and exposure to patients.

PET-CT Scan Mobile Truck


A PSMA PET-CT scan is a type of nuclear medicine imaging test used to detect prostate cancer throughout the body. It uses a small, safe amount of radioactive material called a tracer that targets a protein called PSMA, or prostate-specific membrane antigen, expressed by prostate cancer. This tracer binds to your prostate cancer cells, making it easy to image and potentially find the disease in its earliest stages. The PSMA PET-CT scan machine is open around you, does not touch you, and is not confining. It should not be confused with an MRI scanner that is more of a tunnel-type structure. Even patients with claustrophobia find PSMA PET/CT scans simple and easy.

Computed Tomography

A.M.P. Imaging provides the highest quality Computed Tomography or (CT) services with a competent and caring staff. Our scheduling is simple and accommodating and results are available quickly. Computed Tomography (CT) is a technology that acquires a series of two dimensional images of the body using beams of x-ray. These images allow the physician to diagnose many different types of disease. CT scans can be obtained with or without contrast agents. Contrast agents can be introduced to the body by either drinking a liquid or with an intravenous injection. This contrast can complement the non contrast scan by highlighting specific areas of the body making them more visible. This increased visibility helps the radiologist determine the presence and extent of disease or injury.


The Physicians at Associated Medical Professionals have the ability to perform ultrasound imaging at each one of our medical imaging centers in Syracuse, NY. An ultrasound uses reflected sound waves to reproduce a picture of the organs without the use of radiation. Typically this is performed by placing an ultrasound probe on the skin with ultrasound gel with the probe positioned in specific areas of the abdomen and back to better evaluate intrabdominal organs such as the kidneys, bladder, prostate, liver and associated organs of interest.

Occasionally, specific organs are better evaluated with probes gently placed into specific sites. A transrectal ultrasound offers the ability to optimally visualize the prostate, seminal vesicles, bladder and surrounding organs. A transvaginal ultrasound allows the Physician to better assess the female reproductive organs such as the uterus and ovaries although the majority of imaging can be performed using surface probes.

X-ray | Digital Radiography

Digital Radiography (DR) is the latest advancement in radiography. DR technology quickly transfers images to the computer so you can view and diagnose without wait time. DR systems can be fixed or mobile. These systems are perfect for any clinic or mobile practice. Digital radiography systems are more expensive than Computed Radiography, and they come with many advantages.

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Our A.M.P. Oneida office is closed due to a power outage

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Patients may be seen in the New Hartford or Syracuse offices if needed today.