Theresa A. Moore
Board Certified Nurse Practitioner
Theresa Moore graduated in 1988 from Syracuse University with a Bachelors’ Degree in Nursing. She obtained her Master of Science as an Adult Nurse Practitioner from Syracuse University in 1997. Theresa has worked in the nursing field for 32 years and has a lot of experience to offer. Her extensive background consists of Staff Nursing, Nursing Management, Critical Care, Advanced Practice & a Nursing Educator. Theresa has worked for AMP since 2011.
Theresa has received national certification as an Adult Nurse Practitioner from The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
Theresa is in association with the Syracuse Coalition of Nurse Practitioners, NY State Coalition of Nurse Practitioners & the ANNA.
Verified Patient Reviews
The following ratings and reviews are based on verified feedback collected from independently administered patient experience surveys. The ratings and comments submitted by patients reflect their own views and opinions. Patient identities are withheld to ensure confidentiality and privacy.